Behind the Image
Sometimes it takes fresh eyes to see what the locals can’t see.
I have been fascinated with trains my whole life! My brothers and I built train sets with Lionel Trains throughout our childhood. My older brother Sumpter had trains till the day he died. It’s in our blood.
This is the Cumbre Toltec Scenic Railroad which travels from Chama, New Mexico to Antonito, Colorado. Most folks see this train and they just have to purchase a ticket to ride. I , however, choose to chase the train from New Mexico to the Colorado. I went each day for four days driving pass the train and setting up at different strategic locations to film and photograph the train rolling up and down the tracks. After the first two days I was able to narrow it down to this location.
It’s my passion for trains that drove me to find the perfect location for this image.
It was the right time of year and this particular location got me right next to the train with a wall of Aspens in full fall color as it’s background. The other factors that helped me choose this location was that it was the best time of day for the sun on the train. The other element I love in this photo are the giant Firs lined up beautifully with the Aspens. As the train approached I begin waving at the engineer to blast the horn and steam so I could capture the sound on my film camera and the steam smoke for the still image. It also made him lean out a bit for the photograph.
For the locals this is an everyday scene right outside their house, but for me it was magical and rare. I went to chase the train to capture magic as the locals watched it leave the depot like it does everyday for them. They couldn’t see it the same way as I do because it has become the norm. I searched the town and internet for an image from this location and perspective but never found one. This is a one of a kind image!
Learn to see everything with fresh eyes!
This photo has been showcased in the Denver International Airport and displayed in the Governor’s Mansion in Denver, Colorado.